Happy Paw built a complex of enclosures for the Lada shelter, which evacuated its...
In September, Happy Paw and Purina Ukraine launched the campaign " Kilograms of happiness...
Due to the full-scale war, the number of homeless animals on the streets of...
Because of the war, 80 cats from the shelter in Kostyantynivka (Donetsk region) were...
Happy Paw completed the construction of three complexes of enclosures for 18 dogs from...
Despite the proximity to the front, the Nikopol shelter "Kotofei" continues to care for...
495 dogs and 345 cats from 9 shelters received complex doses of Duramune and...
Thanks to the support of German partners, Happy Paw purchased 1,573 medicines for animals...
Recently, Happy Paw was contacted by a benefactor who found a suspicious Twitter account...
Only thanks to your support, the Foundation continues to feed animals in front-line areas...