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Useful Information

Useful Information
Register of pets in Ukraine (UK only)

В Україні запускають Єдиний державний реєстр домашніх тварин . Він буде основою для появи...

Useful Information
How to recognize fraudsters in the animal protection field

Recently, Happy Paw was contacted by a benefactor who found a suspicious Twitter account...

Useful Information
Is there life after radiation release. The experience of Japan

UA only Півтора роки повномасштабного вторгнення навчили відповідальних власників тварин, що у пухнастого улюбленця...

How to Get Aid from Happy Paw Foundation

Happy Paw is a Ukrainian charitable foundation founded in 2012. All this time, we...

Cat from the shelter. From choosing a shelter to how to find a common language with a new pet

Taking a cat from a shelter is a responsible step. How to choose a...

Why does the dog pull the leash?

Do you think that only an ill-mannered dog pulls the leash and that the...

You have found a lost or homeless animal?

What to do if you find a lost pet or stray animal you want...

How to teach a dog to be calm in a kennel

Zhanna Oliynyk, a cynologist and specialist in dog behavior correction, tells why it is...

Preparing the dog for the flight

Zhanna Oliynyk, a cynologist and specialist in dog behavior correction, tells how to minimize...

Як подорожувати з твариною за кордон

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