The promotion has been extended until July 19!
In times of war, we all need support, love and care. Our four-legged furry friends who unwittingly became hostages of war are no exception.
We invite the children of Ukraine to join the campaign "Unforsaken" and share their stories about how they and their relatives did not abandon their pets after the start of a full-scale war, despite the difficulties they experienced. Оr share stories about homeless animals that a family has rescued and "adopted".
We are sure that there are thousands of such stories and we believe that all of them should be heard.
The campaign is dedicated to the World Day against the abandonment of pets, which this year will be held on June 29 (held every year on the last Saturday of June).
So, to participate in the campaign, children need:
1. Describe a real story of loyalty to a pet or a story of "adoption" of a homeless animal that happened after February 24, 2022. If anything, we're not against adults helping children write history.
2. Post the written story on a social network with the hashtags #happypaw #bioetika #непокинуті (the post must be available for viewing by all users of the social network). You can add a photo or video to the story.
3. Tell us about your participation by filling out the short form at the link until July 20, 2024 - https://forms.gle/pP57evY7qpuFCTC1A
After the end of the promotion, we will publish the most touching stories on our website, along with photos/videos of the participants.
Also, unique gifts from our Foundation and TM "Purina" will be raffled among all participants: board games "Happy paw" and sets of puzzles "Domestic pets".

Consent to the processing of personal data of the participant
Participation in the event automatically gives consent to the processing of personal data of the participant during the event.
By submitting a report on photos, videos, other audiovisual works on which natural persons are depicted (filmed), the Participant is responsible to the Fund for obtaining from such natural persons consent to filming and the right to use and distribute photos, videos, other audiovisual works for of their participation, in particular, in the case of claims against the Fund, undertakes to reimburse the Fund for all funds collected from the Fund, expenses related to the resolution of such claims.
By submitting a photo report, the participant grants the Fund the right to post the videos/photos provided by the participant for public viewing, to use such photos in any way, to allow and/or prohibit the use of such photos by third parties.
The promotion does not provide for honoring the participants with diplomas or thanks.
If you have any questions, please email us at bioetika@happypaw.ua or call +380676588020.
We are waiting for your stories.
Together we make this world a better place!