On October 5-6, 2020, our Happy Paw Charity Foundation is arranging in schools the International Humaneness Lesson addressed to humane treatment of animals. The event is dedicated to the World Animal Day celebrated on October 4.
The event can be held either offline or online.
Schools from Ukraine, Latvia, Georgia, Turkey, Canada and Belarus have already confirmed their participation in the Lesson.
We suggest the following questions should be revealed to students during the lesson:
1.How to properly care for a pet.
2.Auxiliary items for animal identification (clip, address label, microchip, token with QR-code).
3.Rabies, ticks, fleas: symptoms and prevention.
4.Walking a dog: danger of poisoning, walking rules.
5.Reasons for stray animals appearing in the streets.
6.Rules of conduct when meeting with stray animals.
7.Why people give up their own animals.
8.How we can help animals.
9.Humane methods of solving the problem of stray animals.
10.Current legal regulations concerning animals.
The Foundation urges not to bring animals to the Humaneness Lesson if they may feel stressful being away from home in crowded places! Take care of your four-paw friends’ health!
If your school is not only eager to participate in the International Humaneness Lesson, but to receive an electronic certificate of participation too, it is necessary to:
1. Fill in the application form following the link (until 06.10.20) - https://forms.gle/VgcboiG6aR4Ntay69
!! Please note that only one application may be submitted from one educational institution (indicating the number of planned lessons).
2. Conduct the Humaneness Lesson on October 5-6, 2020 (offline or online).
3. Take one photo during the lesson and send it by October 8, 2020 to e-mail: bioetika@happypaw.ua
The photos must be of good quality, the photo should show that the Humaneness Lesson is addressed to humane and responsible treatment of animals (dogs, cats and other pets). It is desirable that date, country, city, school name, lesson topic are written on the board (for example: October 5, 2020, Ukraine, Kyiv, Kyiv Engineering Gymnasium, International Humaneness Lesson). Example:
The email with the photos must indicate: country, city (town, village), name of the educational institution, number of Humaneness Lessons (according to the number of photos).
* If photos are sent late, or the email does not contain information about the educational institution, the organizers have the right not to send the electronic certificate of participation to the school.
Thank you for your concern about the issue of teaching such issue as humane and responsible treatment of animals!
Together we make this world better!