We invite educational institutions to join the All-Ukrainian flash mob "Saving Bowl".
When the heat is unbearable, each of us uses an important rule - to have a bottle of water and quench our thirst in time. Unfortunately, homeless animals cannot take advantage of this rule and are forced to wander the streets every day to find a life-saving sip of water.
So let's take care of our four-legged friends - we urge Ukrainians to leave bowls of water for homeless animals on the streets.
To participate in the flash mob:
1. Tell the children about why it is important to help homeless animals and their daily need for water (especially during the heat).
2. Take a photo showing a bowl of water, silhouettes of a cat and a dog (cut out of colored cardboard or drawn with chalk) on both sides of the bowl, and children's hands placed around the bowl with animals. Silhouettes of a cat and a dog can be downloaded from the link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pZJUiJuIGeTjsLNysZCriAOMmx-zHQFw?usp=sharing
3. Post the photo you took on any social network (facebook, instagram, etc.). In the post, write:
- the name of the flash mob "Saving bowl";
- a text with a call to place water for animals on the street;
- a link to the foundation's article on how to save animals from the heat - https://happypaw.ua/ua/news/one/31435
- hashtags #happypaw #bioetika #рятівнамисочка
Please note: if possible, place the water bowl in a place accessible to the animals outside the educational institution.

Take part in the gift draw
If you want not only to join the flash mob, but also to take part in the drawing of an exclusive set of "Pets" puzzles from our Foundation and TM company "Purina", then fill out the form (link at the end of the article) by July 31, 2024. The results of the draw will be published in August 2024 on our website.

Consent to the processing of personal data of the participant
Participation in the event automatically gives consent to the processing of personal data of the participant during the event.
By submitting a report on photos, videos, other audiovisual works on which natural persons are depicted (filmed), the Participant is responsible to the Fund for obtaining from such natural persons consent to filming and the right to use and distribute photos, videos, other audiovisual works for of their participation, in particular, in the case of claims against the Fund, undertakes to reimburse the Fund for all funds collected from the Fund, expenses related to the resolution of such claims.
By submitting a photo report, the participant grants the Fund the right to post the videos/photos provided by the participant for public viewing, to use such photos in any way, to allow and/or prohibit the use of such photos by third parties.
The flash mob does not provide for honoring the participants with diplomas or thanks.
Together we make this world a better place!