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Illnesses - go away! Fundraising for treatments and vaccines


Description of the action

In shelters, animals live their lives in limited spaces, so it is very easy and quick to pick up a biting parasite from a neighbor in an aviary or couch.

The guarantee of health for each shelter is timely, regular treatment against parasites and complex vaccinations of animals.

Only in the first 2 weeks of July, we received requests from shelters about the critical need for medicines to protect against parasites and viruses. 25 shelters need more than 2,000 products against fleas, ticks, helminths and almost 600 vaccines for cats and dogs. And this is more than USD 4800 of expenses!

This means that every your dollar or euro will help us to close this fundraising as soon as possible, buy medicines and send them directly to shelters. Where the kind hands of the workers will carry out extremely important monthly and annual preventive measures against diseases and parasites for the tailed friends.

Let's help together!


Required amount 200000 UAH
Raised 206653.57 UAH
