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Fundraising for the dog enclosure complex


One-time help


Description of the action

We are building a new residential aviary complex at the Best Friends shelter!

The "Best Friends" shelter suffered from shelling by the occupiers in February-March 2022. A large part of the residential and service premises was burnt down by the fire.

Therefore, a new complex of dog houses is being built to provide a home for the dogs who still live in the shelter after the shelling and to save new furry lives from the de-occupied and hot regions.


The first phase of construction has already completed, for which we are grateful to the American investor. Everyone can invest in building of the second phase of the dog kennels complex to provide a luxury roof over their heads for rescued dogs.

The approximate cost of 1 aviary is 100,000 UAH. Our goal is to collect at least 5 aviaries to the 20 that the Happy Paw is already built in the shelter. Support fundraising — help build a temporary houses for animals.


Required amount 500000 UAH
Raised 97010.56 UAH

