The Happy Paw has its own principles, according to which the shelter is a temporary place for animals while they wait for their new homes. But, unfortunately, every rule has an exception — animals with serious incurable injuries, animals with disabilities. For most of them, shelters become a home for life due to the fact that the culture of adopting such animals in Ukraine is still not developed, and the state of war worsens the situation.
It was for such 19 dogs from the Pegasus shelter in the Dnipropetrovsk region that the Foundation, together with the partners of the Hojo Foundation, built a separate full-fledged home.
The house for dogs with disabilities is equipped with:
warm floor
ventilation system
pool for dogs training with spinal fractures
a walking area with a special rubber coating
And it also has three separate rooms so that antisocial animals have a self space where they can feel safe.
We are infinitely grateful to partners who support our principle that all tails have the right to a happy and comfortable life.