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“Reading with fluffies”


On the 14th of December for the first time in the history of Ukrainian leisure, culture and charity we hosted an event "Read with the fluffies ". The event was organized by Charity Fund "Happy Paw" together with the Dogwill Company (dainties for dogs), to show children how the friendship with your pet can be interesting and useful.

Such readings is a usual thing in the United States, Canada, Finland, Germany and France. Psychologists say that learning with fluffies is useful for children who don’t like to read or afraid of criticism from adults. Kids are sure four-legged friends enjoy listening to stories, especially if you read them carefully and expressive. Besides, animals don't interrupt the little reader and don’t smile, if a word sounded wrong.

On Monday, in free-space cafe ”Ziferblat” the therapy dogs Misha and Istra , cynologist Andriy Kalenechenko and child psychologist Valeria Kuksa held a meeting with children from the SOS kids’ village. During the workshops children easily learned few commands that dogs used to perform. The author of the tale "Mayechka" Yulia Laktionova also visited the event, to read with children one more story of a pet.

The main listener was the German shepherd Istra, she was not only listening, but making sounds sometimes. The children were excited.

After reading, there were quizzes from “Happy Paw”, gifts from Osnova Publishing House and the incredible dainties from “ZheleZo”. The children also got cinema tickets to the cartoon " The Peanuts Movie " from the company “Ukrainian Film Distribution”.

The founder of the Charity Fund “Happy Paw” Olga Spector is grateful to everyone who supported this project and sincerely hopes that such readings will become a regular thing.
