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Dogs from Luhansk shelters need our help!

Dogs on the verge of starvation - we decided to help - join!

Dear friends, we received a message from Luhansk shelters for stray animals that need our help.

26 out of 46 dogs in Heorhiivka shelter died of shooting attacks and starvation. Dogs and owners of the shelters get through eating flour diluted with water. The “Dai lapu!” (“Put out your paw!”) shelter is in the similar situation.

The situation is very difficult: the dogs are on the edge of starvation, and there is often no place to buy pet food and medicine.

To help these shelters you can bring pet food and medicine to our office (7B L. Ukrainka boulevard) by September, 22.

We realize that times are hard for everyone but these shelters really need your help. That is why we are asking you to answer this request for help and bring the necessary food and medicine.

Any dry food of medium quality will be all right. We also need remedy for fleas and helminthes, any antibacterial and wound healing substances (like “Chemi spray”), antibiotics (Tseftriakson, Bitsylin-3 or -5), syringes, bandages and Novocain. Vitamins and feed additives for the exhausted animals and sedatives will also be very helpful.

If you cannot bring food or medicine, you can make a money transfer via our website (write a commentary to this message or email us at with the indication “For Luhansk shelters”) and we will buy all the necessary things ourselves.
Dogs are not responsible for the people’s sins.

P.S. You can see the disabled dogs Fedya and Hrisha from the “Dai lapu!” shelter in the picture.
