The favorite flashmob of 2023 is back! We invite all children and adults (those who have pets or are planning to “adopt” them) to join the All-Ukrainian flash mob “Paw of Support” dedicated to the Pet Day, which is celebrated on November 30.
Join the flashmob and remind people around you about the pets in shelters! There are still so many animals waiting for their owners and cozy homes.
To participate:
1. On November 29 - December 2, 2024, draw a “paw of support” for disadvantaged animals on your hand or cheek and thus remind everyone around you of those who need our protection, support, attention and love, those who have unwittingly become hostages to the cruelty of this world and today.
2. Take an individual or collective photo of yourself with your paws painted on it.
3. Post the photo on social media with a call to help homeless animals with the hashtags #happypaw #bioetika #лапкапідтримки2
Gifts from our Foundation and "Purina" TM will be raffled off among the participants of the flash mob. If you want to take part in the raffle, please fill out the application form at the link - https://forms.gle/Ur5t7KqzjazquqWK8
Consent to the processing of personal data of the participant
Participation in the event automatically gives consent to the processing of personal data of the participant during the event.
By submitting a report on photos, videos, other audiovisual works on which natural persons are depicted (filmed), the Participant is responsible to the Fund for obtaining from such natural persons consent to filming and the right to use and distribute photos, videos, other audiovisual works for of their participation, in particular, in the case of claims against the Fund, undertakes to reimburse the Fund for all funds collected from the Fund, expenses related to the resolution of such claims.
By submitting a photo report, the participant grants the Fund the right to post the videos/photos provided by the participant for public viewing, to use such photos in any way, to allow and/or prohibit the use of such photos by third parties.
The flash mob does not involve awarding participants with certificates or acknowledgment.
Are you willing and able to do more?
Adopt an animal from the shelter or tell about these animals on your social media, or visit the shelter to play with the four-legged friends.
Tell us about your good deeds by sending an email to bioetika@happypaw.ua . Please indicate “Good deeds for animals” in the subject line.
Let's do good together!