The International Humaneness Lesson teaching humane and responsible treatment of animals has already become some kind of emotional refuge for children and a reminder that humanity remains relevant even during hard times. Talks about animals, lessons teaching how to care for our four-legged friends, discussions about their feelings – all this helped young Ukrainians learn more about a responsible approach to caring for dogs and cats (including feeding, vaccination, sterilization and proper housing conditions). We are more than convinced that this knowledge is important as it will prevent animal homelessness and will contribute to the formation of the traits necessary for children to build a peaceful and harmonious society where not only people are valued, but also all living beings.
This year, teachers held Humanness Lessons on October 3-10 in 2,839 educational institutions in Ukraine and around the world.
In our country, the Humanness Lesson was held in 1,395 settlements, including 298 cities, 276 towns, and 821 villages.
In total, we received photo reports from 13,765 Humaneness Lessons.
Thanks to the teachers' creative approach, students learned interesting facts about dogs and cats by participating in quizzes, quests and playing didactic games, transforming into veterinarians, judges and volunteers. They also organized photo zones, filled out questionnaires and talked about pets, staged and watched plays about stray animals, created posters and made models of pet houses and other thematic products, together with teachers fed stray dogs and cats, met with animal volunteers, visited pet stores and shelters.

Even air raids and shelling did not get in the way of the Humaneness Lesson, which is evidenced by photos from the shelters of educational institutions.

Besides the photo reports in emails, we have also received a huge number of words of support for the Humaneness Lesson. The words of educators who work with children remotely were especially sensitive, because they were forced to leave their hometowns and villages due to the invasion and occupation.

Participation of Nyzhni Sirohozy Lyceum in the V International Humaneness Lesson.
Good afternoon, dear organizers of the Happy Paw CF Project!
This is the supportive institution of Nyzhni Sirohozy Lyceum of the Nyzhni Sirohozy Council in Kherson region.
Our village has been under occupation since the first days of the full-scale war. Our students and teachers have scattered around the world, and everyone dreams of returning home.
Despite all the difficulties, they joined the International Humaneness Lesson.
Our participation is an opportunity to show that even in difficult circumstances we remember our younger brothers. The experience of taking our pets out of the occupation gave us a special understanding of the importance of taking care of them. After all, it is thanks to our faithful friends that we feel not so alone and defenseless.
Our online lessons have become proof that humaneness knows no bounds, and love for animals unites us even in the most difficult times.
Our institution has held 7 lessons.

Hello! We kindly thank you for the invitation to take part in the V International Humaneness Lesson. This is Kamianske Special Comprehensive Boarding School of Zaporizhzhia Regional Council. Our school was destroyed because it is in a war zone, the village is destroyed – it stands as a shield in front of Zaporizhzhia city so that the enemy does not advance a single step. Address: village Kamianske (in the Zaporizhzhia region). We are actually located in Zaporizhzhia city. We have held 7 lessons.

Good morning! This year, it is for the second time that our institution is participating in your wonderful event. Unfortunately, our institution remained under occupation. Some students left for the controlled territory, some remained in the occupation. Therefore, in order not to expose the children living in occupation to danger, we took a photo with students in Ukraine. All our children, together with their parents, have been through a lot (taking into account that most of them now live in Zaporizhzhia), but they have not callous. They try to make animals happy too. There are families who took cats from shelters. Many people feed stray animals supporting them (because the owners of rented housing often forbid to keep animals).
We wish all of us a victorious peace!

Hello! Zaporizhzhia Gymnasium No. 80 held meetings with 24 classes and covered 532 students from grades 1-9. The educational institution works remotely, but this did not stop us from participating in such an interesting project. Recently, Zaporizhzhia has been suffering from constant shelling with "cabs" and studying in such a situation is psychologically difficult, but WE ARE UNBREAKABLE! We are very grateful for the invitation and the opportunity to be a part of such a large and important project!

Prymorske School of I-III grades of the Stepnohirsk Council in Vasyliv district of Zaporizhzhia region.
Prymorske village, Vasyliv district, Zaporizhzhia region.
We have held 9 lessons (by teachers of 1, 4, 5, 6 forms, biology teacher of 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 form).
Our village has been in the war zone for the third year already, but despite this, we preserve our traditions. And your Humaneness Lesson is one of the expected activities for our students every year. Remotely. But we are waiting for peace and a return to our school from wherever this mischief has taken our students. We would be happy to see our photos in your collection. (Svitlana Mykolaivna Osika, biology teacher).

Good evening! I am sending a photo report of the Humaneness Lessons held by the Leader Foundation of the Kramatorsk City Council in Donetsk Region. We take part in all your events, promotions, flash mobs every year. Our institution used to be named the Kramatorsk Ukrainian Gymnasium. But after many schools were destroyed in our city, the schools were united and renamed. Nevertheless, the children love to participate in any event dedicated to pets. No matter where we are now, our pets are always nearby. This year, 7 classes took part in the Lesson.
Also, very important and empathetic was the participation of children and teachers in the Click for the Fluffy Ones Flash Mob. Participants posted a video on social media with a description of a stray animal and a call to help it find a new family. Publications can be viewed using the hashtags #happypaw #bioetika #клік_для_пухнастого .
"Pumpkin the Cat, 3 months old, in Kyiv, ready for transportation. Holder - Anna Nova, 0962686062, annanov@ukr.net ".
"This beauty's name is Dana and she is ready to become the most loyal friend. 📍Age - 3 months, completely healthy, will grow to medium size. The girl has had a hard fate, she knew betrayal from a very young age. The poor animal was simply thrown away in a box for death. Please call +380677422212 or write to mia.flander3@gmail.com "
Foreign schools from Albania, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro have traditionally joined the Humaneness Lesson.
During the month, all participating schools will receive certificates of participants in the V International Humaneness Lesson from our Foundation. Certificates will be sent to the e-mail addresses specified in the participants’ applications.

Educational institutions of Ukraine that filled out the application for participation in the V International Humaneness Lesson in time, actively participated in the event and sent a high-quality photo report, will be raffled off with sets of Beloved Pets puzzles and Happy Paw board games from our Foundation and Purina TM. We will soon publish the results on the website.

We sincerely thank all participants of the V International Humaneness Lesson for your active support of humane and responsible treatment of animals and wonderful photo reports and publications! Your humaneness and care inspire for a better future for all living beings.
And it has already become a good tradition to share bright photos of the participants with you. Unfortunately, this is only a small part of them, but more photos and publications from educational institutions about the V International Humaneness Lesson can be viewed on social networks using the hashtags #урок_доброти2024 #happypaw .
Foreign schools

Republic of Latvia

Republic of Lithuania

Republic of Albania

Republic of Moldova

Republic of Poland

Republic of Serbia

Republic of Croatia



Educational institutions of Ukraine
Vinnytsia region

Volyn region

Dnipropetrovsk region

Donetsk region

Zhytomyr region

Transcarpathian region

Zaporizhia region

Ivano-Frankivsk region


Kyiv region

Kirovohrad region

Luhansk region

Lviv region

Mykolaiv region

Odessa region

Poltava region

Rivne region

Sumy region

Ternopil region

Kharkiv region

Kherson region

Khmelnytsk region

Cherkasy region

Chernivtsi region

Chernihiv region

Dear teachers, you are unbelievable!
Together we make this world better!
Everything will be Ukraine!